Last updated February 29, 2024

Master Your Finances

in 3 Short Weeks 

- its doesn’t need to be complicated -

I'm Ready 💫

 🌟Bills Paid

🌟Savings Fully Funded

🌟Freedom From Crippling Credit Card Debt

🌟Plenty of Fun Money To Splurge & Enjoy


Every Single Month

This is a LIVE Group Money Course & Program 

Inside This LIVE round of Money Management Makeover, Bre is showing you exactly how to Create Your Personalized Money & Budgeting System that's SO easy, a 5th grader could do it.

 Bre supports you with 3 Live Coaching Q&A Calls & Simple Money Teachings & Strategies making Managing Your Money Easy & Fool Proof.

You will have access to your Kajabi learning portal where you will grow your financial IQ & embody the teachings in between LIVE Calls. This is where all the additional resources are located to assist you on your money success journey.

You will receive LifeTime Access to the course and all updates in the future. 


Declaring Your Financial Goals:

We begin with a Welcome Kick Off Call where we Identify Your Why - Your Big Picture Money Vision.

Connecting To Your Big Picture Money Vision gives you the full & energy to preserve past any current money challenge currently blocking you. 

In the Live Call, Bre guides you through an expansive journey of self discovery & goal setting. This is where you FINALLY declare what you want out of life. All your desires, dreams, goals, & HOW you want to use your money. *Past students LOVE this step*

Knowing Your Numbers & Growing Your Financial IQ: 

This is where you create the safety in your nervous system by understanding where your money is going so you can FINALLY relax around your finances & deeply enjoy living your life to its fullest ✨

This is where you understand HOW money actually works: allowing the money to feel easy and light to work with.

No More Money Worries. You know EXACTLY the money you have coming in & out of your account each month living the stress free money life you deserve. 

Your New Money Reality:

This is where you learn the Simple Money Teachings & Strategies making Managing Your Money so Easy. Pay Day & Managing Your Money Now Feel Like A Spa Day 💅

Bre is teaching you the money processes where you get it have it all: Pay off Debt, Spend on Fun, & Save Your Money All At The Same Time #vibes

You Will Learn

Bre’s Signature Savings Method

The Credit Card Debt Pay Off Strategy 

& The Fun Money Formula

Everytime you get paid, you get to seriously TREAT Yo’ SELF

In between the LIVE coaching calls, you have access to a Telegram private group where you will get the support, guidance, help, & love from Bre every step of the way. 

Celebrate your money wins with like minded humans unapologetically living their best financial lives.

💸 Life Time Access & Free Upgrades To The Teachings Inside Money Management Makeover 

💸 Simple Money Management Tools The Work With Any Money Situation, Income Level, Profession, Personal or Business Finances. 

💸 A Forever growing Bonus Section - with even more teachings and resources to help you increase your financial IQ & create financial freedom.

Learn all the Money Secrets with Bre In This LIVE 3 Week Experience. 

 Once you purchase Money Management Makeover, you will gain access to your Kajabi learning portal & private telegram group to get connected with Bre ASAP.

While you wait for the Welcome Call, get started on the Prework inside your learning portal & learn the most foundational money skills: Money Dates

Your learning portal is where all your video lessons, worksheets & resources are located. 

All Calls Are at 5:00 PM PST via Zoom

September 16

Welcome LIVE Call


September 23

Live Coaching Call


September 30

Live Coaching Call


Dont Worry if you cant make it live, all calls are recorded & emailed directly to you. 

3 Week Live Cohort


One Time Payment

Learn the Simple Money Teachings & Strategies making Managing Your Money so Easy. 

You get it have it all: Pay off Debt, Spend on Fun, & Save Your Money All At The Same Time #vibes

You Will Learn

Bre’s Signature Savings Method

The Credit Card Debt Pay Off Strategy 

& The Fun Money Formula

Pay Day & Managing Your Money Now Feel Like A Spa Day 💅

  • 3 Week Live Coaching & Support By Bre
  • Private Telegram Group To Support You In-between Calls
  • Financial Literacy Learning Portal
  • A Forever growing Bonus Section - with even more teachings and resources to help you increase your financial IQ & create financial freedom.
  • Life Time Access & Free Upgrades To The Teachings Inside Money Management Makeover 
Purchase Here 💸✨

Love It Or Leave It Policy 

We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the Course.

We offer a 72-hour Love it or Leave it refund period for purchases of Courses. To activate a return, send notes from the content you consumed and a description of why this program isn't working for you to highvibeteaching.com

I know exactly why you're struggling with your Finances.

 Inside MMM you will learn the exact steps to create a new normal with your money. 


Hi I'm Bre - your Favorite Money Healer & Success Coach ✨

probably similar to you, I grew up in a family that STRESSED about money. One of my first memories about money is learning that we don't have enough of it - this was when I was in 4th grade 😬.  This is the exact moment where I created a subconscious money block. I attached a trauma bond of scarcity and lack to money.

Fast forward to High School when the recession hit the United States & my mom lost her job she held for 25 years to support our family. 

I remember sneaking out in the middle of the night to throw away bags of trash in neighboring trashcans since my family didn't have enough money to cover trash services. I sent money to my parents to keep the electricity on, & there were many fights about money in my household. This was my sophomore year of High school & into my college years. 😅 It's been an interesting ride. 

A big plot twist was then realizing I wanted to be a teacher & work in education where we know the pay can be LOW.

But that didn't stop me from building wealth & financial freedom.

I learned how to make my income work for ME by creating a solid Money Management Plan & building a solid Financial Foundation. 

With this exact Money Management system, I saved $60,000 working minimum wage jobs. This gave me the opportunity to invest into multiple real estate properties & created multiple streams of income that support my family & my dreams.

I travel, I enjoy my life, I circulate money, I invest, I do all the vibey things I desire to do with my money - & it feels so damn good. 

It is my honor to help you through the same process, but quicker, faster, more effective. Because you're not here to waste time. You're not available for financial worry & stress. You're available for connecting with your mission, helping people & creating beauty on this planet. 

Frequently Asked Questions