Last updated February 29, 2024

Spiritual & Energetic Money Principles || Create More Money In Your Life || Bre Thompson



You may feel like your finances will never heal or you will always be financially stressed - but that belief couldn't be farther from the actual truth. 


In today’s teaching, I’m sharing WHY building the habit of consistently saving your money (no matter the $$ amount or if you’re in debt) Affirms Your Abundance Energetically and Spiritually resulting in Financial Success in your life, Business, & Bank Accounts. 


I love looking at money through a spiritual lens because creating money is a massive spiritual experience especially when you are creating money from the energy of LOVE and wholeness from your heart space- it is a deeply spiritual experience. So as I share with my own viewpoint & my heart about one of my favorite topics: Money - allow yourself to be open & curious about what is shared in this conversation.


I say this all the time with my clients & within my teachings, I encourage you to feel the truth within your body, with what I am saying. Drop into your body and sense what feels GOOD, what feels TRUE to you. Say yes to what gives you hope, an openness - getting out of your limiting mind.


This is how you evolve & start seeing money, business, and personal finances differently. We are moving energetically & collectively into a higher state of unity consciousness - so feeling into these concepts are really going to help you become Financially Free Right HERE & Right NOW Especially as we evolve into the 5D New Earth. 




  • Having A Savings Account Stabilizes You Out Of Fight or Flight Mode. This gives you more power to create more money. You begin to relax and realize, you have plenty and an abundance to support you if you need.
  • Money That is Saved can be circulated & spent with powerful intention. Thisvcreates more wealth not only for yourself, but the collective as well. #moneygoals
  • A Large Savings Account allows you to get used to larger and larger money amounts & the energy the $$ amount represents. This is important when manifesting more money.
  • Fat Savings Accounts are extremely helpful and important to Make The Big Money Moves. A personal example is me using my large savings account to purchase 2 real estate properties. 
  • Saving Money Connects You To Your Manifestation Power. Your Savings Is Your Financial Freedom Account. This is the account you use for investment opportunities to create more money & Investing Into skills to make you more money. #freakingvibes
  • Always Having the Intention “How Can I Use My Savings to serve my Future Self & Higher purpose?” This helps you connect to your big picture vision & staying connected to your purpose and mission.


The Key To Generational Wealth is Understanding How To Use Your Savings OverFlow To Invest & Make More Money With Less Money. This is how you grow your money to make it last over long periods of time, so not only you get to prosper, but so does your family, the organizations you donate to and the services you're able to provide.


& this is why I LOVE my signature money course Money Management Makeover inside the Money Membership - My Work is so effective because I work on all 3 levels of money: The Financial Literacy Piece, The Healing Piece, followed by the integration & embodiment piece - resulting in long term money success. 


The Money Membership is your first step toward manifesting Financial Freedom. you deserve to have a good money life <3 

To get instant access to the Money Membership, the link is Click HERE