Last updated February 29, 2024

Simple Money Actions is What You Actually Need To Create & Manifest More Money


There's common misconception that in order to create quantum leaps and have huge money success in your life & business - that it needs to be dramatic, hard, or extreme.  

Mmmmm, sometimes not the case.

More times than not, it's the micro actions you take with your money that gives you your highest rate of return & investment 😉


In today’s blog post & teaching, I’m explaining why the simple money actions - saving, spending, & investing (no matter the $$ amount) is what you ACTUALLY need to create more money in your bank account & business. This is ACTUALLY how to quantum leap to your next level of your Financial Success 🔥 


Your best tool to create & manifest more clients, money, & financial success in your life & business, is the Compound Effect.

The Compound Effect is: Taking the small micro money actions CONSISTENTLY which compound over time creating the big money results you're yearning for. 

This Compounding Effect or (Energy/Universal Law) works with all things in life, but for today's teaching & blog post.. we are focusing on the dollar bills y'all.  

When you understand that every (money) action you take is a vote for the person you desire to BE.. this is the key. Being in your power & taking the small & simple money actions with intention - like saving, spending, & investing consistently - is the quickest way to manifest financial success.


For example, saving a percentage of your paycheck every time you get paid compounds over time for big money success long term.  

My personal example: When I first began working in my early 20's, I saved & compounded my $$ like a mother f*cker (lol). 

I was working a minimum wage job at Office Depot & could visualize how each small paycheck would compound over time LONG TERM. I kept my eye on the prize & was able to save $60,000 in my savings account in a few short years.

With the $60k I had in savings, I decided to spend & invest that money for my 2 investment real estate properties that are growing & quantifying my money even more! Building that generational wealth for my future children. 


Another example: Money Mindset

If you have negative thoughts/beliefs about yourself & your unique money making abilities, that mindset compounds into a "fixed" money mindset. Having a fixed mindset around your money limits your earning and receiving potential within your business - resulting in lack of clients, income dips, & blocks in your money making ideas & creativity.  



 Instead of spending $100 on fast food, move & invest some of that money into a high yield savings or additional retirement account. This gives your money the opportunity to Work For You, compounding value & making more money : making more money in less time. 

This is how you work smarter not harder with your money #vibes


The key to manifesting more money & quantum leaping your income is using the Compound Effect with powerful intention toward the financial badass you are becoming - with ALL of your money actions.

& the best part: the more simple, the more effective. 

& this reason is exactly why I LOVE my signature money course Money Management Makeover which is My Signature Money Management Budgeting System which is like no other. Inside MMM, I show you how to take the powerful money actions with all 3 levels of your money: The Financial Literacy Piece, The Healing Piece, & The Embodiment piece for lasting results and financial success.

This is how you use the Compound Effect to manifest More Money & sustain long lasting money results. 

To get instant access to Money Management Makeover, Click HERE

MMM is your first step toward manifesting Financial Freedom with ease & you want to start NOW rather than later. Waiting compounds to more waiting.. & what's the point in that? 😉