Last updated February 29, 2024

Money Basics: How Saving Money Consistently Quantum Leaps Your Financial Success || Financial Literacy



One of the reasons you may be feeling financial pressure & living paycheck to paycheck is because you haven't been saving your cash on a consistent basis πŸ˜΅.

According research from July 2024, 37% of Americans would be unable to afford an emergency expense over $400 and almost a quarter (21%) have no emergency savings at all. 

Its obvious why you would be feeling financial stress & pressure if you fall into this category.. 


The feeling of “Not Having Enough Money” Signals A Trauma response in your body, especially if you experienced financial stress as a child. Growing up in a lower income household, having limited resources, talks of foreclosure or bankruptcy, caregivers arguing about money - these specific money situations you experienced have engrained a specific trauma response in your nervous system causing you to fear "Running Out Of Money". 

I do want to preface that the financial trauma you have is not your fault. However, it is your responsibility to heal the money blocks deep within your nervous system so you break the generational trauma & create a better future for the children of tomorrow's world. 

This work is seriously the πŸ’£. 


In today’s teaching, I’m sharing WHY it is so important to have a fat & beefy savings account (personal & business) from a practical 3D and energetic viewpoint.

This is how the simple money action of consistently saving your money creates huge ripple effects of financial success in your life, business, & money accounts πŸ”₯.


Saving Your Money is required at every income level & is one of the most foundational money actions you should take to Quantum Leap your Bank Account & Make More Money In Your Life & Business.   

One of the most important reasons why you need to save a certain percentage of your money - always- is to create a savings fund. (Remember, this is for Personal & Business Accounts.) 

In a previous post, I taught you about the compound effect and how this is the KEY to creating Financial Freedom (you can read it HERE). One of the Mirco-Money Actions that will compound your financial success is saving your money automatically, no matter the $ amount, into a separate savings account that you do NOT touch until you absolutely NEED to. 


If you bring in $2,000 a month post tax and you save 3% automatically, this means you are saving $60 a month into a savings account.

But THEN if you store that money into a high yield savings account that gives you, for example about 4% interest per year, at the end of the year (when you continue to save that $60 a month) your money quantifies to $795.79.

This is the compound effect in action. 

You save a percentage of your income automatically, which compounds into a beefy savings account giving you ease & healing your financial stress πŸ”₯.


The Simple Money Formula To Follow for Ultimate Money Success & Financial Freedom in your Life, Business, & Bank Accounts


Save a % of your money FIRST & always make this a habit -first thing. Before paying bills or anything else. When it comes it saving money, the $$ amount doesn't matter. What matters is the ACTION of saving your money consistently. 


I teach my clients what is actually important is not about the $$ amount you're saving, Its that consistent habit of saving your money that creates the most financial success long term.

Focusing on the $$ amount rather than the habit of sending is rooted in ego and is a vanity metric - which means it's not an actual indicator of financial success. If you are finding yourself saying "oh, I'm only saving $20 a pay check that's not good enough." you're literally killing your money gains with that negative self talk ... you're self sabotaging yourself. Which is a MAJOR Money Block



How the Money Block of variety metrics & self sabotage may be showing up for you:

Let's pretend you saved $500 one time but it not put it in a separate account.. its just sitting in your checking account. Like okay cool you saved $500 ONE TIME... but then you use that money constantly because you're living beyond your means and have weak money management skills. VS saving 3% automatically of all the money that comes in, and storing that money in a high yield savings account where this money makes more money for you (compounding value) just by sitting in an account. You're not touching that money unless for emergencies or investment opportunities.

I teach my clients how to manage their money using percentages rather than dollar amounts because this allows for more compound money growth. 


An example from my personal story: Stacking Cash at my minimum wage jobs. The key was I ALWAYS LOVED the action of saving a % of my money - which resulted in me investing into 2 real estate investment properties in my 20’s on a Teacher's Salary.

You Can Listen To The Podcast Episode HERE


& this reason is exactly why I LOVE my signature money course Money Management Makeover which is My Signature Money Management Budgeting System which is like no other. Inside MMM, I show you how to take the powerful money actions with all 3 levels of your money: The Financial Literacy Piece, The Healing Piece, & The Embodiment piece for lasting results and financial success.

This is how you use the Compound Effect to manifest More Money & sustain long lasting money results. I teach you exactly how to SIMPLY do this inside Money Management Makeover.

To get instant access to Money Management Makeover, Click HERE


MMM is your first step toward manifesting Financial Freedom & healing your money blocks weighing you down. You want to start NOW rather than later. Waiting compounds to more waiting.. & what's the point in that? πŸ˜‰