Last updated February 29, 2024

How Mindful Spending Is The Quickest Way to Create More Money | The Quickest Energy Hack || Bre Thompson


The quickest way to get out of your current money situation is through mindful spending. 


Spending Money is the most basic money action that humans perform every single day.

However, the problem I see is people mindlessly spending to fill a void→ spending their money on stupid Sh!t like surface level ego purchases & quick dopamine hits instead of healing the root to these spending impulses. 


I understand because I've been there & done that. 

When I was teaching full time I finally landed my dream job. I was making great money but I was deeply depressed. I would spend my money on home decor or eye shadow pallets hoping the purchases would make me feel better... help my soul feel fulfilled.  

I realized the teaching job & career choice I invested 7 years into wasn't fulfilling my soul & I was spending my money to try to fill that void.. 


In today’s teaching, I’m sharing HOW you should spend your money to experience the quickest energy hack & improve your current money situation.


Before we dive in.. if you're new here, Hello my name is Bre & I am your Favorite Money Coach & Healer here on a mission to help you heal your money blocks so you can create a beautiful life of Financial Freedom. For ways to work with me please visit my website & following me on all the socials to stay connected outside of this blog post.


& if your curious where your current money blocks are and how to heal them, check out my free money block quiz so you can heal those pesky money blocks once and for all creating more cash flow into your life and business. YUM. 


Before I teach you the How To Mindfully Spend Your Money To Create More Money In Your Life & Business, you need to understand why this embodiment key is so effective and works so quickly.


Spending $$ on stupid Sh!t like surface level ego purchases, quick dopamine hits, or even being pissed when paying for your monthly bills literally creates stagnation in your creative energy field resulting in money blocks.

Money Blocks literally close you off to abundance streams flowing into your auric and quantum field. Think of a hose flowing money energy to you - now imagine the hose closed. The stream isn't as powerful and the flow is limited.

 When you learn how to spend money in your power, you are giving that energy out to the universe to give back to you. This is a HUGE deal especially if you're trying to make large cash months in your business or looking for a new career. When you spend in your power you are able to compound that energy of return and quantify your rate of Financial Success with every dollar you spend.



Important Note* In order for this Wealth Code to work at its most effective frequency, you need to practice spending money on something FUN, EXTRA, Luxurious. DO this embodiment key on a  purchase that come from your WANTS. Your Wants Are NOT Your Basics Needs. Your Wants are all the extra things - including your nails, your clothes, your happy hour dates, your makeup, your skin care, your daily cup of coffee at the vibey coffee shop down the street from your house. 


  1. Take Out Card or Cash - So Simple Right? But As You Take Out Your Form of Payment, you are going to connect/feel in your body dropping down into your personal power. Your personal power source is located at your solar plexus chakra above your belly button and in your stomach area. 
  2. Pay In Your Power: As you pay for your item (no matter what it is) look at the dollar amount and become grateful for having the resources to pay for that item. Ex: Your cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop. Be truly grateful that you have the opportunity, privilege, & resources to receive this treat and being able to have the freedom to spend money on this item. 
  3. Receive the Feel Good Energy of Being GRATEFUL FOR THE MONEY You DO Have: Put Your Hand On Your Heart - Slow down and Be present with the yourself to fully comprehend & truly understand how privileged you actually are in the present moment - in your current situation. Because if you have the money/resources to spend money on things you WANT, then you have abundance. F**ing period. It is SO important to express that gratitude as such: A true blessing of Freedom. The Freedom & ability to spend your money on something you want, something you desire.


For this energy hack to stick, you need to embodying this consistently - across all boards - across your needs, your investments, your gifts, your donations, ALL areas of money spending can apply to this Wealth Embodiment Code. You are shifting to a new money normal when you embody this code - being grateful to spend the money you DO have on your wants, the extras. 

 This is going to open your energy field to more Money Making Opportunities into your life. This is how you become a Money Magnet - Your frequency screams money gratitude so you will be given more of it. This is how energy works, its a science. 


& this is why I LOVE my signature money course Money Management Makeover inside the Money Membership - My Work is so effective because I work on all 3 levels of money: The Financial Literacy Piece, The Healing Piece, followed by the integration & embodiment piece - resulting in long term money success. 


The Money Membership is your first step toward manifesting Financial Freedom. you deserve to have a good money life <3 

To get instant access to the Money Membership, the link is Click HERE